Accessibility and Assistive Technology

Turning on Subtitles in PowerPoint (macOS)

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Using the Microsoft Subtitle feature can help make your presentation more accessible to audience members who may be deaf or hard of hearing, have different learning abilities, or are more familiar with another language.

Go to the "Slide Show" ribbon.

The home ribbon with the "Slide Show" button boxed in.

Select the Box Next to "Always Use Subtitles."

The setting "Always Use Subtitles" selected.

There are many settings under "Subtitle Settings."

The "Subtitle Settings" drop down menu.

Spoken Language Settings.

The drop-down menu of "Subtitle Settings" with "Spoken Language"menu boxed in.

Selecting the arrow will show all the language options you will discuss during the presentation. These are the languages that can be chosen for the speaker’s language.

All languages that can be chosen for the speaker to use.

Subtitle Language Settings.

The drop-down menu from selecting "Subtitle Settings" with the "Subtitle Langauge" menu boxed in.

Selecting the arrow at the end shows all the languages that can be chosen for the subtitles that will come up. There are many more languages that can be chosen from.

All of the languages that can be selected for the subtitles.
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