Accessibility and Assistive Technology

High Contrast (Chrome Extension)

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The Color contrast ratio measures the difference in contrast between two colors. The higher the value is, the easier it is to distinguish the object (text, image, graphic) in the foreground from the background.

Colors can contrast in many ways, such as in hue, value, and saturation. The color contrast ratio is calculated by a formula provided by W3C, the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web.

Select “Add to Chrome.”

It will download to your toolbar.

The “Add to Chrome” button.

Select “Add Extension” from the Pop-Up Window.

Screenshot of pop-up window from downloading High Contrast to Chrome. The "add extension" button boxed in red.

Select the Puzzle Piece to Find it.

The right side of the google chrome toolbar. The puzzle piece button boxed in red.

You can pin it as a favorite to your toolbar.

Google Chrome toolbar and extensions downloaded.  Push pin icon has an arrow pointing at it.

Open the Extension.

The settings of the High Color Contrast extension. The color scheme options are boxed in red.

Your screen will change depending on what you select.

Below is an example of the  SNHU homepage without any modifications to the color contrast.

SNHU homepage at a normal contrast.

Below is the “Increase Contrast” SNHU homepage.

SNHU homepage at increase contrast.
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