Accessibility and Assistive Technology

Microsoft Word Document Properties (macOS)

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Adding a title ensures a programmatic method to identify the document and may help provide metadata to users of assistive technology searches. The document subject and author describe the document. The document keywords field allows metadata to be provided about the document, which makes it easier to find.

Document properties help make the document more accessible. 

Properties to set include: 

  • Document title  
  • Document subject  
  • Document author  
  • Authored keywords 

Open Word Document.

Select “File” from Top of Your Mac Screen.

Apple toolbar with an arrow pointed at the "file" button

From the Drop-Down Menu Select “Properties…”

Word options menu, with an arrow pointed at the "properties" button

From the Pop-Up Select “Summary.”

Properties options with an arrow pointed at the "Summary" button

Fill in as many text fields as you can

The summary page of the properties.

The more information that you can provide, the better it is for people using assistive technology while using the internet.  

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